Japanese Lesson,Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products,,Japanese infomation

No.1 The Bento of convenience store /Japanese BEER

LINE Stamp Popularity Now on sale 【Japanese Hakata dialect "WOODO-N chan"】


No.1 The Bento of convenience store /Japanese BEER

【English-speaking countries】
Depanneur bento du Japon est moins cher etonnamment delicieux. Trois personnalite va se derouler l'entretien d'acheter chaque dejeuner prefere et la biere.


【Le pays est le parler en francais】
Tienda de conveniencia bento de Japon es mas barato sorprendentemente delicioso. Tres personalidad se desarrollara la charla para comprar cada comida y cerveza favorita.


【Страна разговоры на русском языке】
Японии магазин бенто дешевле удивительно вкусно. Три личность будет развиваться разговор, чтобы купить каждый любимый обед и пиво.







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No.1 The Bento of convenience store /Japanese BEER関連ページ

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It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!

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