Japanese Lesson,Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products,,Japanese infomation

No.2 Japanese BEER/ Laser printer/ Imperia Hotel

LINE Stamp Popularity Now on sale 【Japanese Hakata dialect "WOODO-N chan"】


No.2 Japanese BEER/ Laser printer/ Imperia Hotel

【English-speaking countries】
Surprising history of the low-malt beer development?
Laser printer is great!
The hospitality of the prestigious Imperial hotel in Japan!
Three personality will unfold the fun talk.


【Le pays est le parler en francais】
Surprenante histoire du developpement de la biere a faible teneur en malt?
Imprimante laser est grand!
L'hospitalite du prestigieux hotel Imperial au Japon!
Trois personnalite va se derouler le discours amusant.


【Страна разговоры на русском языке】
Удивительная история развития с низким содержанием солода пиво? Лазерный принтер это здорово!
Гостеприимство в престижном отеле Imperial в Японии! Три личности будут разворачиваться весело разговор.


日本の発泡酒発展の意外な経緯。レーザープリンターは凄い。日本の格式高い帝国ホテルのおもてなしとは!など 3人のパーソナリティーが面白くトークを繰り広げます。



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No.2 Japanese BEER/ Laser printer/ Imperia Hotel関連ページ

No.1 The Bento of convenience store /Japanese BEER
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!
Feedback Reaction Retroalimentacion Обратная связь 信息反? ご意見ご感想
It's the best lecture for you who would like to learn Japanese! While enjoying know now of Japanese information, such as Japanese culture, food, history, otaku and products, This is good-Japanese course program of killing two birds with one stone to learn Japanese! Ordinary office workers, will deliver the usual topic of ordinary people eyes!

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